Joining CSSMA

Check out membership tiers and get ready to submit your application!
We look forward to working together.

Membership tiers


$2500 USD/year
Executive membership comes  with a board seat (voting rights)  and may be elected as an Officer. Executives also have all the rights listed under the  Associate and Observer tiers. Executive membership is limited  to commercial entities operating in the small satellite industry.


$500 USD/year
Associate members are commercial entities operating within the smallsatellite industry. Associate membership is a non-voting membership. They can participate in drafting of CSSMA pleadings and communications and in working groups. They also have full access to coordination packets & other CSSMA produced materials, CSSMA website access, and all the rights listed under Observer tier.


$500 USD/year
Affiliates are non-industry members such as consultants, law firms, universities, and policy advocates. Affiliates may provide input to CSSMA pleadings and communications and in working groups.


No cost, Non-Member
The Observer tier is a non-membership tier created for government spectrum managers, regulators, and other parties who cannot or do not wish to formally affiliate with the association. Observers have access to CSSMA meetings, a point of contact for issue coordination, and insights into CSSMA’s priorities, but may not hold themselves out as formal members
Become a member!

Getting on board

1. Fill in your application

Submit the application form - make sure to include relevant contacts as we might want to come back to you.

2. Board Approval

The CSSMA Officers will process your application and present it to the Board of Directors for discussion and approval.

3. Pay the fee

Your application has been accepted! CSSMA Officers will issue an invoice including your membership fee. Your organization will start being included in CSSMA discussions.

4. Welcome to CSSMA

We are eager to work with you. Make sure to introduce yourself and let yourself known among our members! Spectrum coordination is halfway through if you know your peers.